International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO is a global federation of national standards bodies from approximately 100 countries. Today, ISO standards are accepted worldwide as the method by which manufacturers and service providers can achieve maximum convenience and efficiency in the exchange of goods and services.

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ISO Listed by Number Code:
1 . ISO 1 – ISO 99
2 . ISO 100 – ISO 199
3.  ISO 200 – ISO 999
4 . ISO 1000 – ISO 4999
5.  ISO 5000 – ISO 9999
6 . ISO 10000 – ISO 14999
7.  ISO 15000 – ISO 19999
8 . ISO 20000 – ISO 29999
9 . ISO 30000 – ISO 49999
10 . ISO 50000 - ISO 59999

ISO Listed by Categories:

01: Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation.
03: Sociology. Services. Company organization and management. Administration. Transport
07: Mathematics. Natural Sciences
11: Health care technology
13: Environment. Health protection. Safety
17: Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena
19: Testing
21: Mechanical systems and components for general use
23: Fluid systems and components for general use
25: Manufacturing engineering
27: Energy and heat transfer engineering
29: Electrical engineering
31: Electronics
33: Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering
35: Information technology. Office machines
37: Image technology
39: Precision mechanics. Jewellery
43: Road vehicle engineering
45: Railway engineering
47: Shipbuilding and marine structures
49: Aircraft and space vehicle engineering
53: Materials handling equipment
55: Packaging and distribution of goods
59: Textile and leather technology
61: Clothing industry
65: Agriculture
67: Food technology
71: Chemical technology
73: Mining and minerals
75: Petroleum and related technologies
77: Metallurgy + 79: Wood technology
81: Glass and ceramics industries
83: Rubber and plastics industries
85: Paper technology
87: Paint and colour industries
91: Construction materials and building
93: Civil engineering
97: Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports.

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